In-office CT Scanning
In-office computed tomography (CT) scanning gives Mountain West ENT physicians the best diagnostic imaging here in our Bountiful and Layton ENT offices. Our reduced-radiation CT scans represent the state-of-the-art imaging for sinus and ear conditions. CT scanning produces high-resolution images that offer immediate results and accurate diagnosis.
What are the benefits of in-office CT scanning?
Cost effective: Office-based CTs cost less than those done in hospitals or free-standing imaging centers.
Convenience: CT scans can be coordinated during your appointment and take only one minute to complete. Images are processed immediately.
Safety: Significantly less radiation than conventional CT scans. This is optimal for children and limits risk to our patients.
Comfort: The system’s open design makes exams comfortable and accommodating for standing, sitting, and wheelchairs.
Which conditions can be explored with a CT scan?
Inflammatory Sinus Disease
CT scans are the imaging modality of choice for inflammatory sinus disease. The CT scan is used in conjunction with a head and neck exam and sinus endoscopy in our office to evaluate sinus disease. Mountain West ENT physicians obtain CT scans for several reasons. Patients with chronic or recurrent sinus disease may have a bony or structural abnormality blocking adequate drainage of the sinuses during an infection which is often associated with a feeling of facial pressure around the sinuses.
Nasal Polyps, Bony Defects, or Herniation
Patients with severe allergic disease can also have structural blockages of the sinuses exacerbating their symptoms. The extent of nasal polyps can also be determined with a CT scan. Any bony defects from a nasal tumor or herniation of orbital (eye) contents can be mapped out. A defect at the skull base from tumor, brain herniation, or trauma can also be detected.
Other Conditions
Imaging is helpful to evaluate patients with unexplained loss of smell or unexplained headache or facial pressure. CT scanning can confirm or rule out the role of sinus disease in these processes.