Sleep Apnea Implant (Airlift)

Do you wake up frequently throughout the night? Are you tired during the day or do you feel excessively sleepy? Has your partner complained about your snoring or noticed pauses in your breathing? If so, it is possible you have a common disorder called obstructive sleep apnea. With this potentially serious disorder, the airway collapses or is blocked briefly during sleep, causing lapses in breathing. Sleep apnea is usually a chronic, ongoing condition that disrupts the person’s sleep several times a night. 

 The most common treatment for obstructive sleep apnea is a CPAP machine, which delivers a constant stream of air through a nasal mask to keep the airway open. Unfortunately, many patients find the CPAP mask too uncomfortable or too noisy to wear while sleeping. For these patients, an alternative is available called the AIRLIFT® Sleep Apnea Implant.


AIRLIFT® is an alternative to CPAP and an effective treatment for sleep apnea. Implanted by our experienced ENT physician, this device causes hyoid & tongue suspension to provide immediate and lasting relief by opening and stabilizing the airway in the mouth and throat. 

Unlike masks that need to be worn nightly, AIRLIFT® is an implanted device that is minimally invasive, comfortable, and permanent. The AIRLIFT® procedure can be performed in as little as 30 minutes in our outpatient setting. 

Sleep Apnea Diagram.png

Benefits of AIRLIFT® Sleep Apnea Implant:

  • The implant begins working right away

  • Relief from sleep apnea symptoms including snoring  

  • Implantation is low-pain and easily tolerated  

  • Short post-operative recovery  

  • Long-lasting solution   

  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular & all-cause death mortality   

Restful, restorative sleep is critically important for nearly every bodily function. If you struggle with the discomfort of wearing your CPAP mask at night or are interested in a more permanent solution for obstructive sleep apnea, give our office a call to discuss the AIRLIFT® sleep apnea implant.